USA Powerlifting Stillwater Showdown

Registration Roster Meet Shirt OK-2023-03
Cancellation Policy Lifter's Handbook New Lifter Tips USAPL Membership


Early Bird Registration until May 12th:  $90

Regular Registration May 13th to July 12th: $115

Late Registration July 13th to August 5th:  $140

Registration closes after August 5th

Meet Day:  Saturday August 12th

Session 1: Regular Check-in with Equipment Check: 7 AM. (USAPL ID & Photo ID are required. Show referees everything you're wearing on the platform)

Weigh-in: right after you have your Equipment checked, until no later than 8:30 AM (no exception). (openers & rack height are required before you go weigh-in)

Lifting starts at 9:00 AM & ends around 1:30 PM. 

Awards to follow.

Session 2:  Regular Check-in with Equipment Check: 12:30 PM. (USAPL ID & Photo ID are required. Show referees everything you're wearing on the platform)

Weigh-in: at 1 PM, after you have your Equipment checked, to no later than 2:30 PM (no exception). (openers & rack height are required before you go weigh-in)

Lifting starts at 3:00 PM & ends around 7:30 PM. 
Awards to follow.
Rack Heights: if you know your rack heights on our TSS combo racks, please submit them using the link below.  If you don't know them, please use the link to submit them upon arriving at the building once you are able to check what they are on our racks.>>> Rack Heights




Stillwater, OK