USA Powerlifting High School Invitational πŸ’°

Registration Roster Liability Waiver Meet cap: 30 Lifters
TX-2024-48 Lifter's Handbook New Lifter Tips USAPL Membership

Additional Information:

This meet is an invite only raw meet for high school lifters (including the class of 2024).  Invitations will start being sent out at the end of March and the meet will be capped at 15 females and 15 males.

The only awards for this meet will be cash prizes for the top 3 female and top 3 male lifters scored by body weight coefficient using DOTS points as follows:

1st Place: $1000

2nd Place: $500

3rd Place:  $200

The prize money will be awarded after the drug testing has been processed.


Meet Date:  Saturday June 22nd

Where: Texas Strength Systems (San Antonio) 

Entry Fee:  $100

Please note that our main room does not have AC but we do have 12' Big Ass fans to help keep the air flow moving.

1. USAPL Membership (required): USAPL Cards can be purchased online at 
Please note that if this will be your first meet of 2025, you can wait until November 1st to purchase your USAPL membership but if you already have it, please submit it when registering.

All lifters must have been drug-free for the past thirty-six (36) months.


2. Meet Schedule:

Early equipment check is optional but recommended and will be on Friday 6/21 from 6:30PM - 7:30PM at TSS-SA. You will need to show us your current USAPL membership card (digital is acceptable), photo ID (DL, school ID, military ID, passport, birth certification if youth lifter, etc.) & everything you are wearing to compete. We recommend looking over the Lifters Handbook and New Lifter Tips on the USA Powerlifting site.

Meet day schedule:

> Regular Check-in with Equipment Check: 7AM. (USAPL ID & Photo ID (birth certificate or passport for Youth Lifters) are required. Show referees everything you're wearing on the platform)

>> Weigh-in*: right after you have your Equipment checked, to no later than 8:30AM (no exception). (openers are required before you go weigh-in)

>>> Lifting starts at 9:00 AM, and ends around 12:30 PM. Awards to follow.


3. Changes after signing up:

Please see for any meet change request including weight class, division, team name, etc.. Any division(s) add or changes or add won’t be accepted within 2 weeks out from the date of the meet.

For cancellations & refund, please first visit for the Cancellation Policies and send us an email with your info for cancellation request.

Any questions please email If you're an Adaptive Athlete, please send us an email with your USAPL Membership card.