Meet Changes, Transfers & Cancellations
For weight class change, division change (if add, see below), & team name add or change, CLICK HERE
ADD DIVISION(S) to your registration:
Use THIS LINK to pay ($25) and then follow the steps on the receipt. Adding division(s) won’t be accepted if less than 2 weeks out from meet date.
CANCELLATIONS: Please read the cancellation policy below & then submitted the Cancellation Request Form if you would like to proceed with withdrawing.
1. Greater than two-month out:
For anyone wishing to cancel from a meet greater than one month out from meet day, there is a $25 cancelation fee (ie, a $75 meet entry fee will be refunded $50).
2. Two-month out:
For anyone wishing to cancel from a meet from two month out to one month out from meet day, a refund of 50% can be completed.
3. Less than one month out:
No refunds will be given when withdrawing from meet less than 1 month out.
For anyone wishing to transfer meets, we have created a new "meet" in Liftingcast with a $25 transfer fee.
- Meet transfer must be submitted no later than 1 week prior to the meet you are transferring from. For example, you signed up for a meet on 01/20 but want to transfer to a further meet, deadline to submit the transfer request is 01/13.
- Meet transfer request expires after 1 year. For example, if you want to transfer from a meet you signed up in June 2023, the furthest meet you can transfer to is meet in June 2024.
- This is one-time transfer.
- Transfers can only be made to other meets that we are directing (TSS meets including TSS-Houston). For an up to date list of those meets, please see our Meets page. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Transfer form: