2025 USAPL State Championships T$$ Prize Money

Below is a list of the 2025 USAPL State Championships at which T$$ Money will be awarded to best lifters.  This can be used towards the following:  TSS equipment, TSS apparel, TSS gyms membership, TSS event registration, & USAPL National Championship entry fees & related expenses via the USAPL designated beneficiary system.  

January 18th & 19th - Texas Raw State Championships 

- 500 to the overall best male & female lifter by Dots

January 25th - Arkansas State Championships

- 500 to the overall best male & female lifter by Dots

February 1st - Alabama State Championships

- 500 to the overall best male & female lifter by Dots

February 16th - Oklahoma State Championships

- 500 to the overall best male & female lifter by Dots

March 15th & 16th - Arizona State Championships

- 500 to the overall best male & female lifter by Dots

March 22nd - Oregon State Championships

- 500 to the overall best male & female lifter by Dots

April 12th & 13th - Texas High School State Championships

- 250 to the best male & female equipped & raw lifters

Sept 5th - 7th - Southwest Regionals

- 500 to the best male & female lifter by Dots

October 11th - Montana State Championships

- 500 to the overall best male & female lifter by Dots

November 8th - New Mexico State Championships

- 500 to the overall best male & female lifter by Dots


 Frequently Asked Questions

Can out of state lifters win best lifter?

- No, only residents of the state that the championships is occurring in are eligible to be best lifter.


Can equipped lifters win best lifter?

Yes, 20% will be added to the best raw lifters coefficient to compare it against the best equipped Dots since the Dots formula doesn't account for comparison between raw & equipped.  For example, if a raw lifter has a 440 Dots & an equipped lifter has a 500 DOTS, the 440 will be multiplied by 1.2 for fair comparison against the equipped DOTS making it 528 thus awarding the raw lifter as the better lifter.